Stelbel SB/O4 has been selected to be showcased at the exhibition Bicyclette: Un altro Giro tra Francia e Italia, currently on display at the ADI Design Museum in Milan until December 8.


Bicyclette ehibition



On this occasion, our SB/O4 joins other iconic bicycles that illustrate the evolution of two-wheel design, fostering a dialogue between the cycling traditions of Italy and France.


Stelbel ADI Design Museum


Curated by Nodesign Studio and Matteo Ragni, the exhibition explores the transformation of the bicycle from a means of transport to a symbol of sport, fashion, and sustainability. Many models are on display, offering a comprehensive overview of innovations in the sector.

The exhibition’s graphic design was created by Francesco Franchi, a renowned Editorial Designer with whom we collaborated in 2022 to develop a special livery as a tribute to the sports publishing of the past.

Until December 8, Bicyclette: Un altro Giro tra Francia e Italia will give you the opportunity to see our SB/O4 up close, crafted with custom Columbus tubing and the Stelbel Disco Evoluzione fork.

Discover more here. 


Stelbel ADI Design Museum

Stelbel ADI Design Museum